Property News Roundup July 04th, 2022

We’re delighted to share the weekly news highlights below
- Cambodia’s industry is expected to grow by 9.2 percent in 2023
The Cambodian industry is expected to grow by 9.2 percent in 2023. The garment sector is expected to grow by 8.1 percent due to demand in the United States, the European Union. It will also need support mainly from agriculture.
June 25, 2022 | Khmer Times | Link:
- As of Q1 of 2022, CDC Approves 47 Investment Projects, a 6.8% Increase Compared to the Same Period in 2021
As of the first quarter of 2022, there are 47 approved investment projects, equivalent with a total capital investment of US$2,520.6 million which increased by 14. 2% compared to the same period in 2021. These investment projects include logistics centres and multi-purpose ports, hydropower, tyre factories, hotels, cement factories, banana and other fruit farms, car assembly factories and polyclinic hospitals.
June 27, 2022 | Construction & Property | Link:
- $1.5M Koh Kong wharf slated for end-2022 inauguration
The $1.5 million medium-sized multi-purpose sea wharf in Khemarak Phoumin town’s Smach Meanchey commune just south of the Koh Kong bridge, the Dong Tung Port replaces an existing quay and it is named as Koh Kong Port. It is set to be inaugurated at the end of 2022, to boost tourism and goods trade with neighboring countries, the public works ministry reported.
June 27, 2022 | The Phnom Penh Post |
- As of Q1 2022, Construction Loans increased by 21.5%, Real Estate by 37.2%, Compared to Q1 2021
The first quarter of 2022, commercial banks have provided approximately 15,967.91 billion riels of loans for the construction sector which increased by 21.5% compared to 2021 while the loans for real estate trading is15,867.03 billion riels, an increase of 37.2%.
June 27, 2022 | Construction & Property |
- Tourism Master Plan to Transform 30-Island Ecotourism Community
The master plan for the development of the Koh Samsip (30 Island) Ecotourism Community in a rich natural site located 95km from the roundabout of Kratie city, located in Khsach Leav village, Koh K’nhe village, and Poun Chea village, O’Kreang commune, Sambo district, Kratie province is planning to transform the ecotourism community into an attractive area in Kratie.
June 28, 2022 | Construction & Property |
- CLA, TIAFF, LIAFF Discuss Freight Cost of Train from China to Laos toward Cambodia Across Thailand
Cambodia Logistics Association (CLA), Thai International Freight Forwarders Association (TIFFA), and Lao International Freight Forwarders Association (LIFFA) had discussed on new freight cost of trains from China to Lao toward Cambodia across Thailand that requires payment of a deposit of US$5,000 for Dry Container and of US$20,000 for Refer Container in advance for 14 days.
June 29, 2022 | Construction & Property |
- Construction of P Sihanouk’s third wastewater treatment plant more than 40 pct completed
Construction of the third wastewater treatment project in Sangkat 4, Preah Sihanouk which has a capacity of treating 20,000 cubic metres of water daily, has achieved 44 percent of the total construction plan and is scheduled to be completed in 2023.
June 29, 2022 | Khmer Times |
- Private sector loans hit $50.7B: NBC
The National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) released the balance of loans from domestic banking and financial institutions to the private sector reached 205.4 trillion riel ($50.7 billion) as of March 31, increasing by 22.4 percent year-on-year. Construction is the biggest share of $13.7 billion, wholesale and retail ($12.6 billion), services ($5 billion), agriculture ($4.8 billion), households ($2.7 billion), and manufacturing ($1.7 billion).
June 30, 2022 | The Phnom Penh Post|
- Five roads, new sewer drains to be built in Kandal
The Governor not only announced the provision of roads, he also provided for the installation of two sewer systems, one of which is 1,000 meters long and the other is 300 meters long to facilitate the draining of water during floods.
June 30, 2022 | Khmer Times |
- The United States is choosing priorities to invest in transport projects in Cambodia
The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) is considering prioritizing investment in transportation projects in Cambodia and presented about how to plan, design and develop infrastructure (financial plan, operation, maintenance, study, project feasibility), and sustainable infrastructure (vehicles).
June 30, 2022 | Construction & Property |